title: Ruchi and Jer Explain Weird SF Politics to Scott author: Ruchi Jer & Scott email: pod@rjspod.live description: Ruchi & Jer explain stuff to Scott baseurl: "/" url: "https://rjspod.live" # Build settings theme: minima plugins: - jekyll-feed defaults: - scope: path: "sf" type: "post" values: permalink: /:categories/episodes/:title/ # Podcast Feed Settings podcast: title: "RJS: Weird SF Politics" email: sf@rjspod.live description: "Politics in San Francisco are weird. Ruchi and Jer try to explain them to Scott. San Francisco Supervisors, ballot propositions, trash cans, YIMBYs vs. NIMBYs, and paper straws vs. plastic ones." keywords: Ruchi, Jer, Scott, San Francisco, SF, politics, SF politics, San Francisco politics, trash cans, YIMBY, NIMBY, paper straws url: https://rjspod.live/sf lang: en-us author: "Ruchi, Jer, and Scott" copyright: "℗ & © 2022"