title: Ruchi and Jer Explain Weird SF Politics to Scott author: Ruchi Jer & Scott email: pod@rjspod.live description: Ruchi & Jer explain stuff to Scott baseurl: "/" url: "https://rjspod.live" # Build settings theme: minima plugins: - jekyll-feed defaults: - scope: path: "sf" type: "post" values: permalink: /:categories/episodes/:title/ # Podcast Feed Settings podcast: title: "Ruchi and Jer Explain Weird SF Politics to Scott" email: sf@rjspod.live description: "Politics in San Francisco are weird. Ruchi and Jer try to explain them to Scott." keywords: Ruchi, Jer, Scott, San Francisco, SF, politics, SF politics, San Francisco politics, trash cans, YIMBY, NIMBY, paper straws url: https://rjspod.live/sf lang: en-us author: "Ruchi, Jer, and Scott" copyright: "℗ & © 2022"