--- layout: episode title: "AD17, Reply Guys, and the grand Unifying Theory of Dating in SF" type: podcast date: 2022-4-22 22:00:00 file: https://archive.org/download/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix.mp3 file_itunes: https://archive.org/download/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix/recording-1_postproductions_2022-04-24-t10-19-41pm-final-mix.mp3 excerpt: "Ruchi, Jer, and scott discuss the recent assembly election, the impact of social media on SF politics, and why dating in SF is so damned hard." summary: "Ruchi, Jer, and scott discuss the recent assembly election, the impact of social media on SF politics, and why dating in SF is so damned hard." duration: "1:16:37" length: "64364541" explicit: "clean" block: "no" keywords: "sf, politics, education" ---